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The Business Social Platform for Creatives Worldwide

Category archives: Advertising

Around the World in 10 Ads

 Here in the states we seldom get exposed to the cornucopia of persuasive creative that daily tries to convince people like you and me in other countries to buy, sell, consume, entertain, drink, lie to our girlfriends (this usually goes hand in hand with the drinking ads,) drive faster, loose weight, live healthier or trade stock. Yes, the elements are all the same, but the delivery is usually a little different. Let's see what these modern day "Mad Men" are dishing out these days to our global friends using photography, video, animation, & 3D.

1) China: Bailing Fast Onset Cough ...

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Sparks are starting to fly!

SPARKS are flying!

For several days now, the art smiths at FF have been sending me links to amazing artists and their works. So what better way to share them than with this our inaugural issue of SPARK ™, Filter Foundry’s weekly artist showcase.
Published every Friday, this online source of all that is cool will kick off your weekend. Share it with your friends and feel free to submit your own art to our SPARK™ editors.


Short url : /blog/43/

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